
Function Name dcl-Grid-AddColumns
Syntax   (dcl-Grid-AddColumns <CONTROL> NewColumns [as List of Lists as ((Caption [as String] {Justification [as Integer]} {ColumnWidth [as Long]} {ColumnImageIndex [as Integer]}) ...)])
Return Type Boolean (T if successful; otherwise NIL)
Applies To Grid

This method appends new columns to the grid. Caption is the column header caption, Justification is the column header caption justification style (default is left justified), ColumnWidth is the width (in pixels) of the new column (default is fit to caption), and ColumnImageIndex is the image from the control's image list to display beside the column header caption (default is none). Note that due to limitations in the Windows grid control, the first column in the control is always left justified and the justification style is ignored for that column.

Justification Style
0 Left justified
1 Centered
2 Right justified