
Function Name dcl-Tree-AddSibling
Syntax   (dcl-Tree-AddSibling <CONTROL> SiblingItem [as Handle or String] {InsertBefore [as Boolean]} Label [as String] {Key [as String]} {ImageIndex [as Integer]} {SelectedImageIndex [as Integer]} {ExpandedImageIndex [as Integer]})
Return Type Handle
Applies To Tree

This method adds a new item after (and at the same level as) the item specified by SiblingItem. If InsertBefore is T, the new item is inserted before the specified item. Label is the label text for the new item. If Key is specified, it must be a unique (to the tree control instance) string key to be used for identifying the new item. The three optional ImageIndex arguments are images from the control's image list that display when the item is in the normal, selected, or expanded states, respectively. The return value is the unique handle of the new item.