custom ddedit access violation

Started by andrew.nao1, April 30, 2014, 08:27:58 AM

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im assuming this error is caused by an issue with the current build and using 2015

using it in 2014 and i have no problems

can someone confirm if this is a opendcl issue or do i have to check thru my code for issues?


Can you post a reproducible project for us to test?



here ya go

i open the editor, save the files again, and close it.
re-run the code and now i get this

for the record, my other dcl projects work just fine.
its just this one and one very similar to this that do not.


im getting the failed to load message on acad 2014 now.
the attached files are shared files 1 station is using 2015 and 1 station is 2014

ok so i fixed my issue with 2014, i just copied backup .odcl files made with version
but i still have the issue with 2015


I looked at your code, but I didn't try to load it because I see dependencies on DOSLIB and hard coded file paths. Please create a new project from scratch with only the bare minimum required for me to reproduce the problem.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft



What are the steps to reproduce the problem?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


i have it set to run on double clicking any piece of text, not mtext, just regular text


I need detailed steps starting from scratch in a clean vanilla AutoCAD.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


under the CUI editor > double click actions > text > the command to load the file (load "tt-ndd)

a piece of text on the screen, double click it, the project sometimes opens, when it does it allows me to edit it and then closes, then opens again and then i cant close it by clicking on "close" so i click the X in the corner and thats when the access violation pops up

even if i just run it without using the double click. i get that error


Please try to simplify these steps to eliminate the need to edit the CUI file.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


just load it up
and click on a piece of regular text
i cant give any more simple than that.

its just a glorified ddedit, works the same way ddedit does.
there are no special steps


I am limited on time today, but will try to look at this again tomorrow. It seems like you are having trouble understanding what I need to reproduce the problem, and this has resulted in wasted time and you stuck with no resolution. Steps to reproduce should be clear, complete, unambiguous, and use only out-of-the-box commands to the extent possible. Here is an example (I don't know if this is correct in your case, it's just an example based on my best guess by filling in the pieces you left out):

1) Start AutoCAD.
2) Create a text entity with the TEXT command anywhere on screen.
3) Enter (load "test-lisp") to load the test code.
4) When prompted to select text, select the text entity.
5) Here it crashes with a fatal error, as per attached screen capture.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: owenwengerd on May 02, 2014, 08:15:12 AM
I am limited on time today, but will try to look at this again tomorrow. It seems like you are having trouble understanding what I need to reproduce the problem, and this has resulted in wasted time and you stuck with no resolution. Steps to reproduce should be clear, complete, unambiguous, and use only out-of-the-box commands to the extent possible. Here is an example (I don't know if this is correct in your case, it's just an example based on my best guess by filling in the pieces you left out):

1) Start AutoCAD.
2) Create a text entity with the TEXT command anywhere on screen.
3) Enter (load "test-lisp") to load the test code.
4) When prompted to select text, select the text entity.
5) Here it crashes with a fatal error, as per attached screen capture.

yes sir

i also noticed you changed the code up a little bit.

version 8
(dcl-Control-GetText tn/Form1/TextBox1)

version 7
(dcl_Control_GetText tn_Form1_TextBox1)

could this be the issue?


Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft